Friday, December 27, 2013

Guru Nanak ji

Once a king in India went to Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and asked, “O Guru Ji! As you told us that God Himself supports His true worshiper, but God has so many apostles, why does He support His devotees Himself? Why does not He send His apostles to help the devotees?”

As he said this, his own son who was playing at the bank of a nearby river slipped in the river. The king did not waited for a second and jumped in the river right after his son to save his child.

After saving his child he returned to the Guru. The Guru asked, “My dear friend, you were sitting here with me a minute ago and why did you jump in the river?” King explained that his son had slipped in the river and he went to save him.

Then the Guru asked, “Dear friend, you have so many servants then why did you jumped in the river by yourself? Why did not you send you servants to save him?”

The King said, “When it come to my son. I do not want to take any chances and would do anything it takes to protect him. I love my son very much and I do not want to lose him at any cost.”

Then Guru Ji said, “My dear friend, God loves His devotees the same way as you love your son. That is why he Himself saves His true worshiper.”

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